Monday, November 14, 2011

"Destination Happiness Project."

"A New Happiness Project."
Many things in life may feel like they are the same because they are or they are not. It is important for you to feel in your heart that you are doing what you are trying to do or to achieve which in this case I speak of your goals. Its so often that I hear that a person is not sure if they are reaching for their goal or they don't even remember what they wanted at all. I have a plan for you to get to your goal or to motivate yourself to do so. I have called my new plan the  "Destination Happiness Project." What you do is write your goal and put it into a bottle and hide it somewhere. If you are a person with a whole lot of goals you have options to either get a whole bunch of baby food jars or find some recycled bottles ha ha. Hide your bottle or jar with your note  and hide it in a place somewhere near or somewhere far. Inside outside upside down doesn't matter really. Next, take a piece of paper and write down the time line that you would like to have this done by. Put the start date and end date to give yourself a push. I am not talking about a term paper. I am talking about real life goals like. Dropping 5 pounds in one month or becoming stronger so that you can lift up your dog an give him a kiss or maybe you have your own wishes. Now, blog if you will about your happiness project and see if you too will reach your destination happiness. One goal at a time, do it today, do it tomorrow but do it, Nike says Just Do it! Write it in French, write it in English, Spanish, Czech or whatever you like. You can have a collection of goals and only you will know about them. Be sure to put them in glass. Be sure to keep them where you know you will find them. You can even keep them in a hope chest in your house. If you reach your goal, celebrate and do not open them until you reach them. Good luck, hope you join me for my "Destination Happiness Project!"

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