Sunday, January 1, 2012

To Improve Your Life, You Must Have A Job Or A Project To Do

You must have a job that pays you money for your work. It does not matter if you like the job or if you plan to keep your job. Your job must be a place where you work for money and if the job does more for you then terrific.
If you do not have a job because you do not need money, you should find some type of  project that you work on. Working on something one thing or many brings you to a healthy state of mind and can carry you forward in your life. Have you ever seen anything new happen for someone who does not work on anything at all? If so, what do you notice about these individuals? Do you feel that they have much to say about the past and not much to say about whats ahead? Its really for many that they just do not realize but once that they do realize this, its in their hands to take that step to make it happen. If this is you today, why don't we do that, lets take the first step together shall we? And, remember friends. Everything you created that you do not like, you probably created yourself. Now, your job or project that you are doing now, may not be you its just your job or your project right now. Many people are afraid to get a job because they think that others view them as their success level and we all know how that may feel. The truth is you really shouldn't connect the emotion that your job is you right now if it's not. Do your job, get paid so that you have money and your future will be filled with alot more opportunity. You must choose something to do, never sit still, time flies and some of us never have enough of it.

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