Saturday, May 29, 2010

"Fitness and Fun" Playing with your kids **NEW BLOG

ideas, ideas, ideas


  1. *Make a Giant Hopscotch
    *Create Big and Little Obstacle courses
    *Put together Scaventure hunts on bikes
    *Create Theme Days,ex(Hawaiian)
    *Mystery Bags of physical activities
    *Musical Chairs with a ton of chairs and boxes
    *15 minutes cardio circuits

  2. *Take your camera for a walk
    *Trace eachother in exercise formation with chalk
    *Jump rope together
    *Memory games with eachother. She has to hide a bag of objects while you work out. Then, she plays while you hide them, and you work out as searches for the items you can use hot or cold if she gets closer to the object.
    *15 minute cardio circuit done while she is occupied for those minutes with her favorite activity.

  3. Create your own obstacle with your child surprise her when she gets to the place, have your bag of tricks hidden for her to be amazed.
    *Call it the potato spoon race, you have to race with a potato in a spoon dont let it fall.
    *Call it the ultimate tossby and find different boxes or containers small, medium and you have to run around, jump here, roll there, toss in the first box and repeat creating your own fun for 15 minutes

  4. *Find the wet sponge. You take a couple large sponges and one of them you cut into little pieces equally and one is soaking wet and you hide the sponges obstacle courses are the easiest ways to work out and play with your kids at the same time, you must prepare new each week so they dont get bored.

  5. *Babamma Runs, is the sprinting game where you..
    Run from the first line to the second line and run back to the start.
    Run from the first line to the third line and run back.
    Run from the first line to the fourth line and run back.
    Finally, run from the first line to the fifth line and run back.
    Each time you get to a line, you must touch it with both hands.
    To add to the challenge, you can do one or more push-ups when you get to each line.

  6. Jump rope games you can do together with rhymes
    Cinderella, dressed in yellow,
    Went downstairs to kiss her fellow.
    How many kisses did she give?
    One, two, three, four, five...

  7. *Aerobic dancing for 10 minutes with stop and go music like musical chairs but instead of sitting in the chairs your dancing and you take turns stopping the music. Then you can always turn it into jumping rope for 5 minutes turning the music on and off when your child feels like it and laughing while working out you can also include musical chairs or anything with the music.

  8. Please note, you must always have a full lineup and full lineup "backup" when taking your kids out for the day, never go into your day blindfolded unless its just impossible. Before they even know they are going to play with you or go out with you and doing an activity have it all planned out, they will start getting used to having a plan and looking forward to seeing whats next. This will help when you need some free time that they just go and free play by themselves and dont need you to play with them. This helps them develop their independance.

  9. Start getting the child use to knowing that their is a "Time to play" a play schedule, then that there is a different time to play "free play" whatever they want. Give yourself a little tiny break.

  10. I have a ton ton ton more ideas, if you want some please input and i will get more stuff up

  11. Oh, cool! I see this now!! Of COURSE I want more! I'm just a big kid myself, so I love getting them going on those kinds of games!!

  12. Thank you for all the tips, Lanea.
    I'll use them for sure for our playtimes.
