Monday, June 28, 2010

"Lanea's Workout..."

"This is what I do all year around..."Well, I play all year round as much tennis as physically possible because it not only is a fun and challenging game but is also my job. I love that tennis can be a cardio sport and recreational as well. As for me, I am interested in more competetive tennis. I do not get the opportunity so often but when I do, I enjoy signing up and challenging myself in a tournament. Its great that tennis is a full body workout. It doesnt make you bulky and it does enough to keep you fit. If you play alot of tennis and you add some strength and weight trainning to your routine then your just going to get a great core. At this time, I work out to "Jackie Warner's new tape." This tape is a little challenging and I love it. This year, I do plan to step up my fitness level as I did so last year. I just started this blog to share with others my interest in keeping fit so that by helping others it forwards me right along. When we travel abroad, we defintely take advantage of hours a day swimming. Just the basic frog swim for me in the ocean, in the pool and then add the tennis for 2 hours and the gym for just a very small amount of weight trainning. At this time, I am not on a vacation break. Therefore, my daily routine includes the following as mentioned above, Tennis training hard on Thursdays from 5pm to 6pm with my husband, this is a pretty progressive workout. my toughest tennis workout. Then, one hour prior, I warm up with another tennis player friend. This is almost every week. 2 times per week my Jackie Warner tape, I am currently trying to achieve my goals by adding that tape. 1 to 2 times per week I go with my husband to the gym at our complex. We do also have ability to workout at our home gym when the time is right. And, by sharing this with you one more time, this helps me to get my butt off of the computer and go and workout since my opportunity on a rainy non work day night is perfect tonight. Original

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