Monday, January 25, 2010

Fun Food For Your Kids Packs


  1. Love that picture! I would eat that, heh! Keep the kid friendly meal ideas comin'! It's easy for me to pack Megan's lunch because she likes blackberries and raw veggies and those Laughing Cow cheese wedges and turkey. And she'll eat sandwiches/wraps, etc. Justin on the other hand, is my difficult one. He doesn't like 'cold' sandwiches, but he does like bell pepper and cucumber slices and apples, grapes, oranges. I bought one of those little thermos's to put pasta in but he said that it was not hot by the time lunchtime came and didn't eat it. He will eat cheese sticks also. But doesn't like turkey. Any ideas you have, I'd appreciate it!

  2. Done. I'll keep em comin' thanks for the input!
