Tuesday, February 9, 2010

"The Legend Of The Sand Dollar"

The Legend of the Sand DollarThere’s a lovely little legendThat I would like to tell,Of the birth and death of JesusFound in this lowly shell.If you examine closelyYou’ll see that you find here,Four nail holes and a fifth oneMade by a Roman’s spear.On one side the Easter Lily,Its center is the star,That appeared unto the shepherdsAnd led them from afar.The Christmas PoinsettiaEtched on the other side,Reminds us of His birthdayOur happy Christmastide.Now break the center openAnd here you will release,The five white doves awaitingTo spread Good Will and Peace.This simple little symbolChrist left for you and me,To help us spread His GospelThrough all Eternity


  1. I Love the sand dollar and I always have, I think its so unique how you can go anywhere in the world where there is a sand dollar in the sand, break it open and see those 5 cute little perfectly shaped birdies. Its adorable and there is always five. I do not speak of religion but just what is inside. Love them.

  2. Never knew that about sand dollars...very cool!!

  3. love that! I like the religion connection. Will share with kids for sure. Thanks
