To create a circle of happiness, take out a paper and draw a big circle. Inside your circle, write down all of your friends and family that you surround yourself with now. Next take a highlighter and highlight which of those individuals make you feel happy, which ones lift your spirit and make you feel good inside. Those are going to be your positives.
Now, lets say that you have one or two negative highlights there. Well, you can easily just end the relationship there but it might not be a good idea for you or something that you want to do so if you do not want them out, you can enhance your circle of happiness by adding some positives there. Take a deep breath and open your mind to all the opportunities out there that could make your circle better. For example, is there anyone who you noticed would like to know you more maybe a nice person who notices you for the good person you are but you brush off from time to time because you are two busy keeping the others in the circle happy? Or, is there someone that maybe you might notice that you wish to get to know better as an acquaintance. This could even be joining a little yoga class or signing up for an activity. Or saying yes to just one of the many inviations you turn down. These things we say no to are often opportunities that we do not see in front of us. Some may not be good for us and some may be the best thing that ever happens for us. Keep your mind open and try to seek the positive energy from people, places or things even. You will find in time, that whether you elliminated the negative in your circle or you reduced the negative that you have left open space to add possitve people and things in your circle, creating your own "Circle of happiness." It may be possible that you find yourself in a completely different shape and that you might even look back and say wow that was the easiest circle that I ever erased. Now, if you are already happy with your circle in your life, well keep adding more positives until your overflowing with happiness and if this is the case then you know just how easy that you can spot a negative energy start approaching your circle in time for you to shh them away. I always picture my circle like a cell, not sure why guess everyones there only little bubble floating around in my circle that I invited them in. Does that make sense? I strongly believe that positives attract one another and try to stick together just the same as negatives do. Sometimes, if there are two many negatives in a circle of any kind that its hard for positives to get in or want to get in, Try it! It's alot of fun.
This sounds like a good thing to do! (: