Wednesday, January 20, 2010

"Taking Care Of Your Skin..."

What are "You" doing to take care
of your skin?


  1. "I really love Fenix suncreen" for my face. My husband and I wear it every day all year round. It has some great indgrediants in there and is broad spectrum as well. Hope to see a little sun soon actually, so I can go back to work. Have a nice day. Thanks for reading my blog today. Lanea

  2. Retin A is a good product for most skin. Doctor prescribed. Its the vitamin A in it that stimulates the cells. Important to follow with good sunscreen.

  3. I have been using ProActiv cleanser only and then a moisturizer at night..Clinque..2 different ones

  4. Ha ha you found it Jennifer! Fun! Heh, so great. Those are awsome what you use there.

  5. Yes, there is the skincare products for your face and for your body and then their are the skincare treatments for your face and your body and my picks are in the following post...

  6. Cosmetic Skin Care Treatments
    If you want(non-invasive)Laser I choose Fraxel
    Don't want wrinkles around eyes I choose Botox
    Choice for Filler,I choose Hydrel and Juvederm

  7. I use to have wrinkles around my eyes and then I had botox and they disappeared. For my skin I use Retin A to smooth the texture and even out skin tone.Pro X by Olay for am & pm to keep up my skin moisture.Loreal Collagen Filler to keep my face nice and firm.I am in the sun almost all day and all year round and my favorite sunscreen for my face is Fenix 30+ ultra broad spectrum. To spray my body every day and every few hours in the sun, I choose no other then Banana boat 70+ spray sunscreen. It works well, it hydrates the skin and it smells good everytime.
